
Oh soul, you worry too much. You say, I make you feel dizzy. Of a little headache then, why do you worry? So that it will be spoken of

When I want to, I utter good and do good publicly
so that it will be spoken of.
When one day I am charitable to a beggar,
I seek gratitude for it so that it will be spoken of.
When I fast a day in the summer, I complain of hunger
in the evening so that it will be spoken of.
When I pray and people are with me,
I am slow in my prayer so that it will be spoken of.
When I am alone, I do it cursorily
since I do not fear that anything will be spoken of.
My actions are pride, artifice and showing off.
What stumbling blocks which are not mentioned!
Therefore shun me and drive away from you-
my burdens and sins are heavy.
Ask God Almighty for repentance,
with sincere truthfulness,
not so that you will be spoken of.

Shaykh al Akbar/The Greatest Master, Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi, may Allah be well pleased with him

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