
Imam Al Ghazzali: Known Yourself

There is nothing closer to you than yourself; if you don't
know yourself, how will you know others?

You might say,
"I know myself," but you are mistaken!… The only thing
you know about yourself is your physical appearance.

The only thing you know about your bātin (unconscious)
is that when you are hungry you eat, when you are angry
you fight, and when you are consumed with passion you
make love. All animals are equal with you in this regard.

You have to seek the truth within yourself…. What are
you? Where have you come from and where are you
going? What is your role in the world? Why have you
been created? Where does your happiness lie?

If you would like to know yourself, you should know that you
are created by two things. One is your body and your
outward appearance (zāhir) which you can see with
your eyes. The other is your unconscious forces (bātin).

This is the part you cannot see but you can know it with
your insight. The truth of your existence is in your bātin.
Everything else is a servant to your bātin.


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